As we all know the colder months of the year are approaching and what better way to combat the cold than to drink a nice cup of hot chocolate. Sounds good, right?
I love hot chocolate, but also like to drink coffee and tea. All nice and hot. If you are anything like me, well this hot beverage does not really stay hot for long. I usually end up with some lukewarm or cold coffee that does not taste so good anymore.
Now we have a saying in Austria: “Cold coffee makes you beautiful” – well….. with all the cold coffee I drank in my lifetime I should be a runway model by now 🙂
Knowing that I am not alone in the cold coffee, tea or chocolate department I looked for a way to keep my coffee warm. There are plenty of options out there, but most of them involve getting a thermos coffee cup, which is ok for use in the car or when you go somewhere. But at home, not so much.
So I was looking into coffee cup warmers. They have the sleeves to keep your cans cold in summer, so why not have something to keep your coffee hot all year.
Here come the crochet cup warmers. I love to crochet and I have a mountain of yarn – yes, I probably could open a yarn store soon 🙂 So I choose some nice acrylic yarn in bright colors and made some cup warmers.
They are rather simple to make. All you need is 2 square pieces and one triangular piece. You put them together and sew a cute button on the last square in order to attach the triangle and you have yourself a cup warmer.
You can get fancy with different designs, but for now I stayed simple by using just groups of 3 double crochet. For a little more bling I added some beads in the first row of some of my cup warmers. Just string the amount of beads you need before you start crocheting. Add them one by one to your stitches and then continue with the regular pattern.
As for size, every cup is a little different. My original cup warmer pattern came from Annie’s Attic on But I soon found out that the size of my yarn made them too small for the size of my cup. So I had to add some borders in-between the squares and the triangle to make the cup warmer longer.
They are easy and quick to make. The most work for me was to sew in all the loose ends. Not my favorite part of any crochet or knitting project, but if I do it right after finishing it is nor as bad 🙂 Once done add a cute button and you have yourself a cut cup warmer.